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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

Audit in the sphere of procurement of goods, works and services for State and municipal use as a method for evaluating its effectiveness

Vol. 21, Iss. 16, APRIL 2015

Available online: 30 April 2015

Subject Heading: Financial control

JEL Classification: 

Pages: 50-59

Taraskina A.V. Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russian Federation

Dubskaya E.S. Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russian Federation

Subject In the spring of 2013, the Federal Law On Contract System in the Sphere of Purchasing Goods, Works, and Services to Support Government and Municipal Procurements was enacted. Therefore, since January 1, 2014, government procurement operations have changed cardinally. To the full extent, the said law will be enforced only by 2017. However, if an institution constantly works with government orders, it should be prepared for new rules already now.
     Objectives The modern conditions of innovation development of the Russian economy dictate the need for enhancing the efficiency of budget expenditures at the federal, regional, and municipal levels. Hence, the audit of purchases of goods, works, services for State and municipal use, which is carried out by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chamber of Control and Accounts of constituent entities and municipalities of the Russian Federation, is of particular importance. The objective of the study is to search for and offer the ways to improve the existing methods of audit of government procurement aiming at reducing budget losses.
     Methods We analyzed the methods of auditing the government procurements using theoretic and empirical techniques.
     Results We have offered a unique performance indicator of activity carried out by budget-funded entities in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services for State and municipal use within the scope of the audit.
     Conclusions and Relevance The above indicator may be used in the course of improving the existing audit techniques under Federal Law of April 05, 2013 № 44-FZ, to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of procurements.

Keywords: audit, procurement, budget, losses, damage, performance indicator


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