- Digitalization and energy conservation as key factors in the development of agro-industrial complex of the country. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 12(543) - 2023 December
- Trends in the development of the organic agriculture market: Foreign and Russian experience. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 12(543) - 2023 December
- Methodological approach to determining the zones of strategic development of grain production. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 11(542) - 2023 November
- A model of the strategic potential of an enterprise as an object of strategic marketing. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 11(542) - 2023 November
- Developing the fuel and energy complex and energy security of the Russian Federation in the context of reindustrialization. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 10(541) - 2023 October
- Trends in the healthcare economy development within the framework of the ‘Healthcare’ National Project. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 10(541) - 2023 October
- Analysis of entrepreneurial activity in the regions of Russia: Configuration of factors of digital environment. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 9(540) - 2023 September
- Key growth drivers for the People's Republic of China. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 9(540) - 2023 September
- Studying the effectiveness and efficiency of industrial policy: The electronic industry case. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 9(540) - 2023 September
- Statistical analysis of the information and communication infrastructure of the knowledge economy at the macro-level. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 9(540) - 2023 September
- Development strategy of Russian metallurgical companies in the new world economic order. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 8(539) - 2023 August
- Economic and statistical analysis of spatial characteristics of the housing market in the period of economic turbulence 2020–2021. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 8(539) - 2023 August
- Applying the factor analysis to assess the development potential of the grain industry. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 7(538) - 2023 July
- The role of digital companies in the transformation of the Russian economic model. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 6(537) - 2023 June
- Institutional factors in the sharing economy formation in developed and developing countries. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 5(536) - 2023 May
- Primary assessment of sectoral strategic priorities effectiveness: The Far Eastern gas industry case. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 5(536) - 2023 May
- Neural network analysis of the main challenges and threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 4(535) - 2023 April
- The theory of social capital and its manifestation: The case of the economies of developed and developing countries. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 3(534) - 2023 March
- Transformation of the Russian economic model: Signs and indicators. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 3(534) - 2023 March
- Neural network analysis of energy efficiency of the regional economy as a factor of Russia's sustainable development under conditions of big challenges. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 2(533) - 2023 February
- Seven development priorities of smart cities. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 1(532) - 2023 January
- Deglobalization processes in the global economy and prospects for its innovative development. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 1(532) - 2023 January
- Contradictions as a potential for the development of a human-oriented economy. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 12(531) - 2022 December
- The Eurasian Economic Union as a factor of ensuring food security of Russia. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 12(531) - 2022 December
- Contours of the new economic model of Russia's development. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 11(530) - 2022 November
- Investment opportunities for venture funds in the economics of mobilization. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 11(530) - 2022 November
- Organization of a single digital platform for agro-industrial and fisheries complexes. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 11(530) - 2022 November
- Analyzing the current state of the Russian economy at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 11(530) - 2022 November
- Digital transformation of the urban environment: "Smart Cities" as drivers of socio-economic development of the region. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 10(529) - 2022 October
- Comparative analysis of beet sugar industry development of agro-industrial complex in Russia and Ukraine in the context of food security. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 10(529) - 2022 October
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