- A conceptual analysis of the world and Russian rocket and space industries and markets. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 28(427) - 2015 July
- The analysis and assessment of the economic sustainability of corporations of the military-industrial complex in an unfavorable external economic and foreign political situation. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 28(427) - 2015 July
- The methodology of economic analysis to identify priority types of industrial production in the aspect of sustainable development of regional economy. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 27(426) - 2015 July
- Tax revenue and economic growth: a regional aspect. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 26(425) - 2015 July
- The problem of effective cooperation of the public and private sectors of the national economy. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 26(425) - 2015 July
- Economic strategy of industrialization: analysis, empiricism, recommendations. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 25(424) - 2015 July
- Analysis of the impact of resource concentration on the development of regions of the Northwestern Federal District. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 22(421) - 2015 June
- Forecasting the Gross Domestic Product of the Russian Federation for 2015-2017 based on the current economic and geopolitical conditions. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 20(419) - 2015 May
- The efficiency of financial tools for State support to innovative companies in conditions of entering foreign markets. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 19(418) - 2015 May
- A methodological approach to the creation of a modern management model of innovative development of integrated systems in the high-tech sector of the economy. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 18(417) - 2015 May
- Developing the Russian machine-building complex by building industrial parks. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 17(416) - 2015 May
- Russian economy in the critical risk zone: modeling crisis developments and anti-recessionary policy. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 17(416) - 2015 May
- Analysis of the innovation activity of economic entities in regions using the intensity and performance indicators. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 16(415) - 2015 April
- Modeling the industry-specific structural changes in the economy of Russia. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 16(415) - 2015 April
- Some issues to assess the quality of institutional and business environment in Uzbekistan. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 14(413) - 2015 April
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