- Waste management of an industrial region: Evidence from the Sverdlovsk Oblast. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 2(497) - 2022 February
- Problems of sustainable development of rural areas of the Arctic regions. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 1(496) - 2022 January
- A posteriori estimate of the impact of business activity on the reputation capital of the region. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 1(496) - 2022 January
- A model for assessing the level of digital transformation of the region. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 1(496) - 2022 January
- Formation of interregional clusters on the basis of industry specialization of the area. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 12(495) - 2021 December
- The Amur Oblast labor market stability against the backdrop of the new coronavirus disease spread. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 12(495) - 2021 December
- A methodology to assess the level of flexible management technology development at industrial enterprises. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 11(494) - 2021 November
- A research methodology of formation of interregional balance of human capital in the Russian Federation. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 10(493) - 2021 October
- Scientific potential of the region as the basis of its innovative development. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 10(493) - 2021 October
- The strategy for establishing and running ecotechnology parks as a component of the region’s innovative development. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 9(492) - 2021 September
- Analyzing taxpayer support for the Krasnodar Krai's agricultural sector. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 8(491) - 2021 August
- Using a cluster approach in the regional agro-industrial complex' structure design. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 8(491) - 2021 August
- Interregional relations in the governance system of the subsidized region of Siberia. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 7(490) - 2021 July
- An analysis of tools to assess the effectiveness of government development programmes at the meso-level. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 7(490) - 2021 July
- The issues of cooperation between Siberian regions within the Yenisey Siberia comprehensive investment project framework. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 6(489) - 2021 June
- Public-private partnership as a mechanism for sustainable development of the Sverdlovsk Oblast: A determinantal analysis. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 6(489) - 2021 June
- Competitiveness as a factor for ensuring the region's sustainable development. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 6(489) - 2021 June
- A methodology of spatial organization of the cities of St. Petersburg agglomeration: Its importance for regional development purposes. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 5(488) - 2021 May
- The development of consumer cooperation in the Republic of Tatarstan and ways to improve its competitiveness. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 5(488) - 2021 May
- Applying the aggregated indices randomization method to prioritize cluster development. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 5(488) - 2021 May
- A conceptual approach to assessing the cluster potential of regions based on the use of intelligent information systems. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 4(487) - 2021 April
- Housing markets of Russia's Far North East regions: There is still no investment. Why?. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 4(487) - 2021 April
- A system of indicators to assess the value of human capital under the influence of interregional migration processes. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 3(486) - 2021 March
- A situational approach to managing the region's competitiveness. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 3(486) - 2021 March
- Factors of interregional poverty differentiation: Absolute and deprivation approaches. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 3(486) - 2021 March
- Transport factor function in the development of the Siberian region as a Yenisey Siberia comprehensive investment project party: Evidence from the Tyva Republic. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 1(484) - 2021 January
- Assessing the food security of the Russian Federation in the sustainable development goals monitoring system. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 1(484) - 2021 January
- Regional institutional environment of public-private partnership: The case study of the Ural Federal District regions. Part 2. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 1(484) - 2021 January
- Government programmes as a tool for managing social and economic development at the meso-level: Analyzing and evaluating the implementation practices. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 1(484) - 2021 January
- The Smart Sustainable City concept: A system of indicators to assess the regional sustainability and development adaptability. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 12(483) - 2020 December
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