- Assessing the eco-intensity of industrialized regions in the context of economic decarbonization. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 4(523) - 2024 April
- Value added tax in case of exports from the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Oblast. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 3(522) - 2024 March
- A methodology for assessing the impact of integration processes on the achievement of sustainable development of the EAEU member states. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 3(522) - 2024 March
- Regional banking markets in Russia: Differentiation in terms of location. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 3(522) - 2024 March
- Parameters of sustainability of Russian regions: State and vectors of development in relation to the least stable group. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 2(521) - 2024 February
- Clustering of the Russian Federation regions by human capital development level. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 2(521) - 2024 February
- The relationship between the agriculture and agro-industrial complex' development and the rural areas' sustainable development, including the social infrastructure's development. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 2(521) - 2024 February
- Trends and difficulties in developing the infrastructure of special preferential areas. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 1(520) - 2024 January
- Rural area's infrastructure development: Comprehensive assessment and differentiation in the economic space. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 12(519) - 2023 December
- Industrial development of the Ural Federal District under the new conditions: Problems and prospects. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 12(519) - 2023 December
- A model for forecasting changes in living standards in the regions of Russia. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 12(519) - 2023 December
- Identification of region's industry growth zones. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 11(518) - 2023 November
- Institutional environment for developing regional public-private partnership. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 11(518) - 2023 November
- Developing a region's economic security mechanism. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 11(518) - 2023 November
- Financial imperatives for local budgeting. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 10(517) - 2023 October
- Digital transformation in the region's machine-building complex: Problems and prospects. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 10(517) - 2023 October
- Regional inequality by the Theil index. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 10(517) - 2023 October
- Assessing the impact of households on the economic development of the Sverdlovsk Oblast. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 9(516) - 2023 September
- Formation of a functional and effective model of tax federalism: Criteria and factors. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 9(516) - 2023 September
- An analysis of the compliance of the environmental protection and waste management principles with the circular economy principles. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 9(516) - 2023 September
- Transforming the World Order amid the emerging multipolarity: Evidence from the African continent. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 9(516) - 2023 September
- The impact of digital technologies in industries on the economic growth of industrial areas. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 9(516) - 2023 September
- Transnational supply chains and their role in creating added value of the region: The Republic of Tatarstan case. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 8(515) - 2023 August
- A model of sustainable development of science and high technology cities taking into account the area's life cycle. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 7(513) - 2023 July
- Differentiation of stakeholders in the economic ecosystem of the region. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 7(513) - 2023 July
- Single-industry towns: Grouping and identification of factors influencing the demographic situation. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 6(512) - 2023 June
- The impact of the digital divide of the Russian Federation regions on the e-commerce expansion. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 5(512) - 2023 May
- An analysis of methodological approaches to assessing the digital development of regional economic systems. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 5(512) - 2023 May
- Decentralization of fiscal relations in Russia in the context of global trends. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 4(511) - 2023 April
- Industrial zones is the place where the green city originates. «Regional Economics: Theory and Practice», 4(511) - 2023 April
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