- Specifics of monetary transmission channels' operation before and after the financial crisis. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 7(466) - 2017 July
- On the impact of IFRS on results of financial analysis of organizations. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 5(464) - 2017 May
- Goodwill as a capitalization of transaction costs of a business combination. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 1(460) - 2017 January
- Assessing the capitalized value of business processes in the analysis of a business combination. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 12(459) - 2016 December
- Estimating the real rate of return on household deposits. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 11(458) - 2016 November
- Analyzing the theoretical basis of the consolidated financial statements concept. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 11(458) - 2016 November
- Methods to analyze consolidated financial statements of Russian strategic enterprises on the basis of aggregate, matrix and dynamic forms. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 8(455) - 2016 August
- A methodological approach to assessing the financial capacity of innovative development: The SOCAR oil and gas company. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 7(454) - 2016 July
- An innovation-active industrial complex in the system of operations of the Bank of Russia on the open market. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 6(453) - 2016 June
- Problematic aspects of calculating the financial leverage effect. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 5(452) - 2016 May
- Improving the financial management of State healthcare institutions. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 5(452) - 2016 May
- A method to analyze the corporate payout policy. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 3(450) - 2016 March
- Analyzing the distributive policy within the framework of fundamental analysis of the company. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 2(449) - 2016 February
- Analyzing the interrelations of net income and net cash flow based on financial statements of the insurance company. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 44(443) - 2015 November
- Assessing the influence of the dynamics of loans to individuals on bank performance indicators. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 40(439) - 2015 October
- A structural and dynamic analysis of the Russian sub-federal bond market. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 39(438) - 2015 October
- The analytical component of successful financial performance management (a practical aspect). «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 36(435) - 2015 September
- Improving the performance of the mechanism of pension contributions capitalization: Russia and Kazakhstan cases. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 30(429) - 2015 August
- The current trends and peculiarities of the formation of Russian joint-stock companies' capital. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 28(427) - 2015 July
- Analyzing the financial flows of a consolidated group of companies. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 23(422) - 2015 June
- Analysis of using the patent system and regional approaches to determine potential income. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 22(421) - 2015 June
- The balanced scorecard and applied strategic analysis in strategic financial management. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 21(420) - 2015 June
- Classification of non-banking organizations in the domestic and foreign practices. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 20(419) - 2015 May
- Specifics of determining the liquidation value of business. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 19(418) - 2015 May
- The effect of preferential shares of Russian companies on financial leverage. «Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice», 10(409) - 2015 March
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