The issues of personnel reproduction in the transport and logistics industry: Formulation and solution in the context of relevant cases of the global market of online industry education
Irina I. SOKOLOVADon State Technical University (DSTU), Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation ORCID id: not available
Subject. This article discusses the issues of transformation of the labor market in the transport and logistics industry. Objectives. The article aims to analyze the problem of training personnel for the transport and logistics industry, and assess the prospects of the online education industry market. Methods. For the study, we used the general scientific research methods. Results. The article finds that the transformation of the higher professional education system in Russia can result through the strengthening of the position of online universities and EdTech companies, which will lead to the market redistribution. Conclusions. It is necessary to strengthen the applied orientation of higher professional education, curricula should correspond to market and industry practices. This is especially true for the logistics industry.
Keywords: education, transport and logistics industry, global education market, business education, supplementary vocational education
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