Elizaveta A. MUTUral Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (UrFU), Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation lizamut@mail.ru ORCID id: not available
Subject. This article discusses the impact of entrepreneurship and innovation on social collaboration and general standard of living. Objectives. The article aims to develop a technique for quantitative assessment of the impact of innovative entrepreneurship on the development of international trade. Methods. For the study, we used statistical and cluster analyses. Results. The article proposes the author-developed definition of innovative entrepreneurship. It finds that most regions of Russia are characterized by low values of indicators of the development of innovative entrepreneurship and international trade. There is a significant inequality between the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts, Moscow and the rest of the country in terms of the level of development of innovative entrepreneurship. Conclusions. Certain measures are needed to promote more inclusive and sustainable development of all regions of the country.
Keywords: innovative entrepreneurship, cluster analysis, index method, international trade, innovation
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