Subject. This article analyzes the food availability and security in the Magadan Oblast, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and the Kamchatka Krai in 2005–2018. Objectives. The article aims to determine the particularities, trends and priorities of food supply to the population in the Russian North-East regions. Methods. For the study, we used the methods of statistical and comparative analyses, and data tabular and graphic visualization techniques. Results. The article says about the levels of total actual food consumption and underconsumption in general in the northeastern regions of Russia over the analyzed period of time. It also describes the food security situation in the various regions under study. Conclusions. The most important task of regional and federal authorities in terms of food supply for the population of the Russian North-East is to stimulate the introduction of new approaches to the organization and development of agriculture and food production. It is also necessary to revise the consumer basket standards taking into account the current data on healthy nutrition of the population living in inclement climatic conditions.
Keywords: North-East of Russia, consumer basket, food security, average per capita consumption and under-consumption of food, availability and affordability of food
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