Dugarzhapova D.B.Buryat Science Center of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, Russian Federation dolgor@mail.ru
Subject The article discusses the monitoring of processes and phenomena that occur in the area of income and expenditure of the population in order to reduce the growing disparities in income and living standards of the population. Objectives The article aims to analyze the change in the money income of the population and describe the use of income in the Republic of Buryatia, as a case study. Methods For the study, I used the comparative and economic-statistical methods of analysis, as well as official statistics of the Russian Federation and Republic of Buryatia. Results The study reveals an increase in the per capita income of the population of the region against a backdrop of a slight reduction in the income differentiation of the population. There is a high degree of heterogeneity in the well-being of the population. The negative trends and peculiarities in income generation in the region are due to the low level of wages among certain wage earners and the high unemployment rate of the population. Conclusions The article concludes that there is a need to establish an enabling regional policy that provides for the development of various economic activities to reduce income disparities among the various population groups in the region.
Keywords: standard of living, welfare, cash income of households, consumer spending, coefficient, differentiation
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