Ol’ga V. SIDORENKOOrel State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin, Orel, Russian Federation sov1974@mail.ru ORCID id: not available
Subject. The article discusses problems of staffing of economic sectors and employment of population. Objectives. The purpose is to identify determinants of labor shortage, consider the characteristics of potential labor force in the Russian labor market. Methods. The study draws on methods of statistical analysis. Results. The study established that understaffing in the economy is caused by demographic, migration factors, as well as the underutilization of potential labor. We identified reasons for non-participation of the population in the potential labor force, performed a comparative assessment of the level of unemployment and potential labor force in the federal districts of the country and the subjects of the Central Federal District. Conclusions. It is crucial to improve the system of training of qualified workers. This involves active interaction with employers, formation of modern material and technical base of educational institutions. Widespread use of foreign labor will continue in the near future. Attention should be focused on qualitative characteristics of labor migrants.
Keywords: population size, potential labor force, unemployment rate, age-sex composition
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