Kirill V. GLUSHANKOVPeoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN University), Moscow, Russian Federation ORCID id: not available
Subject. This article discusses and analyzes changes in the regulatory provisions on accounting for fixed assets and capital investments in the Russian accounting practice in the period from 1998 to the date of entry into force and application of Federal Accounting Standard FSBU 6/2020 and Federal Accounting Standard FSBU 26/2020. Objectives. The article aims to assess changes in the above-mentioned regulatory provisions on accounting for fixed assets and capital investments. Methods. For the study, we used normative, scientific, and integrated approaches to assessing changes in regulatory provisions of accounting, as well as a promising technique, systems analysis, comparison, and observation. Results. Based on the results of the analysis of changes in the regulatory provisions on accounting for fixed assets and capital investments in the Russian accounting practice in the period from 1998 to the date of entry into force and application of FAS FSBU 6/2020 and FAS FSBU 26/2020, as well as Russian Accounting Standards PBU 6/97 and PBU 6/01, the article identifies trends in the development of accounting for fixed assets and capital investments in Russia. Conclusions. The regulatory provisions on accounting for fixed assets and capital investments have undergone significant changes. The structure of standards, requirements for accounting and registers for the accumulation of financial information have changed, and the volume of disclosed information has increased. Some regulatory provisions have been separated into certain standards. With the release of FAS FSBU 6/2020 and FAS FSBU 26/2020, there has been an improvement in the quality of disclosed information. There is a convergence of Russian Standards with IFRS, which indicates the success of the programme of reforming the Russian accounting system in accordance with the provisions of IFRS.
Keywords: FAS FSBU, RAS PBU, fixed assets, capital investments, capital expenditures, statutory regulations
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