Subject. This article analyzes various aspects of the regulation of auditing activities in Russia and Iraq. Objectives.The article aims to identify similarities and differences in approaches to the regulation of auditing activities in Russia and Iraq, as well as develop recommendations for improving regulatory practices in both countries. Methods. For the study, I used a comprehensive methodological approach consisting of a review and analysis methods. Results.The article reveals significant differences in the practices of auditing conducted in Russia and Iraq. Conclusions and Relevance. In Russia, there is currently an active reform of the audit system with a focus on compliance with international standards and improving the transparency and quality of audit. In Iraq, there is a lack of transparency in financial reporting and a lack of compliance with international standards, which requires further efforts to improve the situation. The results of the study can contribute to improving the efficiency of audit practices and creating a more reliable regulatory environment in Russia and Iraq, which will undoubtedly improve financial transparency and corporate governance.
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