Subject. This article examines the issues of assessing the impact of fiscal mechanisms on the development of new regions of the Russian Federation. Objectives. The article aims to analyze and predict the impact of fiscal mechanisms on the economic development of new regions of the Russian Federation, using the methods of economic and mathematical modeling, as well as develop methodological tools that can help assess the impact of specific fiscal mechanisms on the economic development of new regions. Methods. For the study, I used the methods of economic and mathematical modeling, correlation-regression analysis, as well as induction and deduction, and systems analysis. Results. Based on correlation-regression analysis, the article presents an econometric linear model describing the impact of individual fiscal policy instruments used at the federal level on the economic development of new regions. The article also proposes a system of analytical indicators that make it possible to study and assess the relationship between the indicators characterizing the economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the indicators characterizing the applied fiscal mechanisms. Conclusions and Relevance. At present, the issues of both the scientific interpretation of fiscal mechanisms and the system of indicators used to analyze, assess and predict the effectiveness of their application are at the stage of solution, and there is no unified approach at the moment. Another difficulty is that in some regions, fiscal mechanisms can be a significant factor influencing regional development only at the initial stage of their application. In these conditions, the use of certain methods, such as economic and mathematical modeling, should be carried out with caution and supplemented by the use of other analytical tools. The results of the study can be used in the analysis and forecasting of the use of fiscal mechanisms for the economic development of new regions.
Keywords: fiscal mechanisms, fiscal policy, economic and mathematical modeling, correlation and regression analysis, estimation
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