Subject. The article discusses financial risks of financial destabilization of commercial enterprises. Objectives. Based on the formulated definition of "financial stability of commercial enterprises", the study aims to develop a concept, shape and supplement the classification of financial risks of destabilization of financial stability. Methods. The study employs methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction. Results. The article presents research directions and substantiates my own approach to disclosing the content of financial stability of commercial enterprises, analyzes foreign and domestic literature sources that reflect the concept of financial risk, identifies areas of financial risks of commercial enterprises, identifies groups of destabilization risks, presents the classification of risks of financial destabilization, taking into account my additions, formulates a matrix of risks of financial instability of commercial enterprises. Conclusions. The formulated classification of risks of financial instability can be used by the financial management system of commercial enterprises to identify and take measures to eliminate them, and to implement subsequent control over their manifestation.
Keywords: financial stability, financial risk, classification of financial risks, destabilization of financial stability
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