Subject. The article addresses the methodological basis for strategic management accounting in commercial banks. It considers its difference from other forms of accounting. Objectives. The purpose is to review and systematize methodological approaches to the definition of strategic management accounting and define specific methodological aspects of using it in commercial banks. Methods. The study rests on the method of comparative analysis. Results. The paper covers two main approaches to the definition of strategic management accounting. The first approach is based on the consideration of strategic management accounting from the perspective of strategic management, the second one proceeds from the premise that strategic management accounting is an updated version of management accounting. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the opinions of various researchers on the definition of the strategic management accounting category and the relevance of implementation of management accounting in a commercial bank. Conclusions. Strategic management accounting is one of the most promising and developing area of management accounting that helps businesses to succeed. The findings may be useful for scholars and practitioners, wishing to better understand the theory of strategic management accounting.
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