Subject The article considers the legal status of trade organizers in the securities market, which is viewed as an integral part of system-related primary and secondary capital markets. Special focus is on the analysis of effective legislation governing this area in the Russian Federation and examination of relevant international experience. Objectives The aims of the study are to review the institution of trade organizers in the securities market, identify problems and inconsistencies of its regulation, trends and development prospects under the modern socio-economic situation. Methods The fundamental methods of the study include a comparison, analysis, and dialectic. The emphasis is on the review of statutory instruments regulating the activities of trade organizers in the securities market, both in the Russian Federation and abroad. Results Based on the analysis of Russian and foreign laws establishing the legal status of trade organizers in the securities market, the paper formulates basic problems in regulation and management of trading in our country. It identifies trends in the development of the institution of trade organizers and its influence on the Russian securities market. Conclusions The obtained results may be useful for training courses development on Securities Market academic discipline.
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