Subject. The article considers a comprehensive model to assess the financial risk of the region. Objectives. The aim is to develop a financial risk prevention model that integrates economic, social, political, environmental, and financial indicators, having a significant impact on the economy. Methods. The study rests on methods of synthesis, analysis, comparison, and economic and mathematical calculations, i.e. weighted summation with preliminary normalization of each estimated indicator. The process of data collection, normalization, selection of indicator weights, and calculation of integral indicator of financial risk was implemented for 2022. Results. We established the presence of financial risks in the region. Both the results and the model itself can be useful for further research. The advantage of the model is the relative small number of applied indicators. This facilitates the collection of information, its processing and evaluation. The evaluation of the above calculations reflects the conditionality of ranking. The results that reflect dynamics are more indicative. Conclusions. The formed model, when assessing regional financial risk, enables to take into account the multidimensionality of modern regional economies.
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