Subject. The article addresses the exports of high-technology products and services. Objectives. The purpose is to assess the impact of exports of high-technology goods and services on the condition of national economies. Methods. The study rests on a hierarchy of hypotheses from the general to the specific, i.e. that the increase in exports leads to the economic growth of the country (H1), the exports of goods and services, with varying force, affect the economic growth of the country (H2), the increase in exports of certain categories of high-technology goods directly affects the economic growth of the country (H3). In the first stage, our analysis revealed that under the world economy globalization, exports of almost all countries of the world continue growing. In the second phase, to test the hypotheses we applied methods of multivariate statistical analysis, including the study of a fixed effects model enabling to consider non-measurable individual differences of objects. Results. The study confirms H1 and H2 hypotheses. While testing the H3 hypothesis, we found that the exports of machinery and equipment, pharmaceutical products, services in the field of computer and telecommunications services affect GDP, and the exports of electronics, insurance and financial services have no statistically significant impact on GDP. Conclusions. Although the findings require further investigation of identified causal relationships, we can conclude that they may have a significant impact on feasibility and effectiveness of government measures for boosting international trade and introduced trade barriers.
Keywords: high-technology exports, export, State support, economic growth, panel data
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