Importance Today, the demographic situation in the country is a key determinant of the significance of health resorts in preserving health, increasing the quality of life and labor potential of the public. The system of people's rehabilitation and health care is of multipurpose nature, and considerably depends on economic capacity of the regional health resort complex. Objectives The purpose of this article is to define the concept of economic capacity of regional health resort complex, identify its components, and develop a methodology for its assessment. Methods The paper draws on methods of forecasting, structural-and-functional and economic analysis, general scientific and economic-statistical methods, as well as a systems and a comprehensive logical approach to the study of the status and trends in regional health resort complex development. Results The paper presents recommendations and proposals that can be used in the management practice by regional authorities and administrative staff of core facilities of the health resort complex. Conclusions and Relevance The evaluation of economic capacity should be seen as a comprehensive system of actions enabling interdependent and consistent management decisions that contribute to effective management of the entire regional health resort complex.
Keywords: health resort complex, sanatorium-resort institution, economic potential, cost estimate
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