Boiko A.N.Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Department of Public and Municipal Administration, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation
The consequences of the world economic crisis, the proceeding stagnation in the developed capitalist economy and the accruing information uncertainty generate investment pessimism, dismal forecasts, and feeling for a new system model of capitalism. The recent financial and economic crisis is the second one in the capitalist economy history after the Great Depression in the 1930s, by its depth and after-effect. The scientific mind turns again to the analysis of the reasons, consequences and lessons of the U.S. President F. Roosevelt’s New Deal programs implementation, held 80 years ago.
Keywords: New Deal, F. Roosevelt, economic crisis, depression, information uncertainty, market failure, socialization of capitalism, government regulation, public sector of economy
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The New Deal of F. D. Roosevelt: experience and lessons. Historicus. Available at: Link (In Russ.)